Watch Together Ads
Summary: Adds the business critical feature of ads to support premium content on watch together.
Link: App Store
Team Size: <10
Languages: Objective-C, C/C++

Messenger Desktop Screen Share Presenter Layouts
Summary: Screen share AR feature to “green-screen” yourself in front of your screen share and choose different layouts.
Link: App Store
Team Size: <5
Languages: Typescript, C/C++

Messenger AR Custom Backgrounds
Summary: Adds the ability to customize your background with your own photos so you can now video chat from your favorite sunset. You could even customize your background with a funny home video.
Link: App Store
Team Size: <10
Languages: Objective-C, C/C++

Jimmy Johns Ordering App
Summary: I lead the development of this project through a new online ordering vendor, as well as delivering many great new features like catering, rewards, and Freaky Fast Ordering. It is a 4.9 star application and has over 1.5m monthly active users.
Link: App Store
Team Size: <10
Languages: Swift

Photon - GIF
Summary: Photon is a little Mac app I built to help create GIFs from the iOS Simulator, the Android Emulator, or convert a movie to GIF.
Links: Github
Languages: Swift

John Deere Connect Mobile
Summary: The John Deere Connect Mobile iPad app is a tool to help monitor, optimize, and better understand machine performance. The app connects wirelessly to your machine to stream precision agricultural information and map it on your iPad. The data is also simultaneously uploaded to the cloud.
Video: Connect Mobile
Link: App Store
Team Size: 15+
Languages: Objective-C, Swift, AWS

Summary: Developed at John Deere Technology and Innovation center for harvest logistics and crowsourced grain elevator wait times. Wait times are calculated in real-time using all users of the app.
Team Size: 8
Languages: Swift, Objective-C
Link: App Store

FS Yield Estimator
Summary: The FS Yield Estimator is an iOS app that is tailored for FS Crop Specialists to calculate a corn field's yield. The general public may use the app, but functionality is limited. FS Crop Specialists who log into the app get FS Cooperative specific branding as well as data-syncing to the FS Agronomy Apps database. This data is then aggregated in the FS Yield Analyzer.
Link: App Store
Team Size: 4
Languages: Objective-C, Visual Basic, SQL,

FS Yield Analyzer
Summary: The FS Yield Analyzer aggregates data collected with the FS Yield Estimator and maps then across the Growmark territory. This website is mainly used for the yearly FS Crop Tour. Growmark and FS employees are able to see specific data points depending on their permissions.
Link: Website
Team Size: Solo Project
Languages: HTML, CSS, Visual Basic, SQL, Mapbox

FS Agronomy Apps Analytics
Summary: Mobile responsive single page web application built using Knockout.js, Bootstrap.js, SQL, and a Visual Basic API. Custom analytics of usage for all of Agronomy Apps using a purpose-built backend. Contains interactive graphing.
Team Size: Solo Project
Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Visual Basic, SQL